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My Artist Statement

My project is a picture of a llama that is standing in front of mountains. I like how the texture of the fur turned out because it actually looks like a fluffy llama. The title of my work is called "far out" because it shows that the llama was far out into the mountains. The process of creating it was I had to get the picture that I wanted to do then put it on a carving plack then start carving the llama out. Then after I was done carving I had to go to the printing station and put ink on the plack and glide the ink through out the carved grooves. Then I had to wipe off the extra ink then put it through the printer that prints the image onto the paper. My goal was to make the llama look like a real llama and for the most part I made it look like a llama. Overall I think I did good with it because it looks how its supposed to.

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